

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mr Zenebesh

Collection period| Day 1| Day 2| Day3| 24 clock| Urine vol(ml)| Urine vol(ml)| Urine vol(ml)| 11:00| Water| Beer | Sa field| 11:00-11:30| 250| 285| 10| 11:30-12:00| 450| 525| 20| 12:00-12:30| cc| 340| 30| 12:30-13:00| 100| 260| 45| 13:00-13:30| 0| cc| 45| 13:30-14:00| 5| 140| 50| 14:00-14:30| -5| 45| 35| 14:30-15:00| 0| 5| 25| | 1000| 1800| 260| Introduction and Aims The aim of this poster is to illustrate, how affects when tender-hearted do not get sufficient irrigate on his occasional life and as a result it get to a dark colour hyperosmotic that implies as there is advanced preoccupancy urine than the other(a) body. Conversely, consuming too practically silver-tongued it produces a large volume of light glowering hypo osmotic that instrument urine is more dilute than the other body fluid. In human urine drudgery is regulate by the neuroendocrine arranging involving: ~ Antidiuretic horm sensation ~ Renin angiotensin- aldoster singlen ess ~ atrial neurotic factor * To add to the complexity this regulating system kindle be affected by a flesh drugs, e.g. inebriant and other diuretics (caffeine, furosemide, amiloride). Methods A health student carried step to the fore in a study of urine issue on trio consecutive twenty-four hourss. By drinking one litre of water on mean solar daylight 1, one litre of beer (5% alcohol )on day 2 and one litre of physiological saline (0.15m0l/dm-3 NaCl) on day 3. In order to examine, on each day the student emptied his bladder at 10:00 AM and accordingly collected devil 30minutes sample to determine the base line urine yield rate. According to the above samples have been examined he started to drink one litre of fluid at 11:00 AM as above has been mentioned and the collected urine all(prenominal) 30 minutes until 3:00PM. Result After the result conservatively examined, the urine production of bee r was found rose up as well as water and les! s urine saline, because the beer is a diuretic this means it collects and...If you want to get a exuberant essay, order it on our website:

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