

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Astronomical discoveries.

Using present day technology, the farthest a human index create is the gas giant Jupiter. It takes twenty ii months to reach Jupiter. However, it would take 4 years and 2 months, considering coming back. I think this is just the right amount an average cosmonaut should stay in billet. This is because sustentation in space for many an(prenominal) months is rather frustrating as it is in an environment with the climb up absence of gravity. Living would be hard as you would meet to follow a very strict, set routine.

The main occasion humans would want to visit another(prenominal) planets in our solar formation is accomplishable human civilization. Humans want colonize other worlds. A nonher reason is that humans want to commit living intelligent specimens, which statistically already exist. The objective of this is ponder the daily life and structure of these living specimens. It is also assertable that humans want to visit other planets, not for living specimens, but fossils.

Yes, it is viable that alpha Centauri has a planetary system. Alpha Centauri is a star scientists have included in their look for for spargon solar planets. The reason a planetary system would be difficult to detect is because the techniques used to find extra solar planets require very large planets orbiting very exclude to their parent stars. Obviously, Alpha Centauri is contrasting to that making it harder to detect planets.

Figuratively, aliens exits. I think aliens, especially a race commonly referred to as the grays, exist well-nigh the 4th planet around Zeti Reticuli 2, in the Zeti Reticuli star system. This is because Zeta Reticuli is a binary system, consisting of stars Zeta 1 and Zeta 2, which orbit unity another over long m periods. They are sun-like and set(p) around 40 light years from Earth. At around 8 billion years old, they are signifi tramptly former(a) than our own 5-billion year old sun, allowing time for a to a greater extent complex civilization and technology to have evolved t present.

No, it is not possible for one of todays space craft to travel to andromeda as it takes 2.2 millions years to get there at light run (300 000km/s). To muddle it possible to travel to andromeda is freezing batch until they can be thawed out later. Theoretically, this is difficult since water supply expands when it freezes which means stacks cells explode as the ice crystals form. However, Geneticists are functional on finding the gene that allows the bodys cells to produce an antifreeze molecule that can help the organism survive the freezing process and make it possible to reach andromeda. Einstein predicted and it has been experimentally demonstrated that time slows down as you approach the speed of light. This theory is the pedestal to another possible way of reaching andromeda. If velocity is increased, not only is time stretched so that a persons life lasts long-dated but distance is also shrunk so that the distance traveled would be perceived as being shorter. The only other two ways around this problem is to alter the space-time continuum continuum so that the distance ahead of the ship is contracted firearm the distance behind the ship is expanded.

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This can only be achieved by gravitational waves generated by an engine. The pressure needs to transform so that gravitational waves of the correct magnitude and frequency are achieved. This is recognized as a warp engine and a mathematician has already calculated the frequency and magnitude of gravitational waves necessary to achieve such warp velocities. The other alternative is if two black locations of the right size can be associate to create a worm hole. This might occur somewhere naturally or it might be artificially generated. This could greatly reduce the journey time. Using a worm hole as a method of traveling huge distances is possible but might take time as interrogation has not been completed into the possibility of worm hole travel.

apprehension may well give us good things. hardly why bother spending all this money exploring space when these same great minds could be applied to finding collapse ways to power generositys greedy desire for energy, to feeding the starvation millions around the globe, and generally making life down here better, before looking into new human civilizations. The needs of humanity should always come first. While there are people on Earth who need help, they should be helped, rather than beholding money spent on sending robots onto other planets.

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