

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Nowadays in California you often here mortal of Latin descent speaking Spanish. Whether, you are at the supermarket or at the mall. Then you entrust often hear person reply, Those Mexicans really need to learn English because they are in our country. Little do they k presently that their beloved country sign a treaty allowing Mexicans to speak Spanish in the territories now known as California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and transgresss of New Mexico and Colorado. How you ask. This and many another(prenominal) other rights are preserved for Mexicans in these territories as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed by the United States and Mexico which ended the Mexican-American war. Today, I give inform you about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and how it has deeply affected the Mexican population. accord to the Journal of the Historical Society 9.1 publish in 2009, The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave away half the territory of Mexico. conjecture giving up half of your house to a random stranger who happened to knock on your door. First I will tell you of the conflict that lead to the Mexican-American War. Then I will tell you in depth what the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo protects. Finally I will tell you the affects it had on the Mexican people.

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Manifest extremity drove the United States Imperialism to expand their empire no function the cost or who stood in the way. The Annexation of Texas lead to a deeper conflict when the boarder was established at the Rio Nueces. Mexico was a unexampled Fragile Nation State that lacked resources, technology and a changeless central government, according to the history book Occupied America. According to Occupied America, Large number of colonist from the United States entered Texas in the 1820s as refugees from the Depression of 1819. The decision to allow colonist from the United Sates to enter Texas was a calculated decision do by the Tejano population of the borderlands. They lacked protection from barbaric Indians, The lack of taxation to set up a police...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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