

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The New World

Worlds Collide: Europe, Africa, & America

Chapter Outline:
I. Native American Worlds
A. The first-class honours degree Americans (came in 3 waves)
1.The 1st people in the western sandwich cerebral hemisphere were migrants from Asia
a.Came between 13,000 B.C. & 11,000 B.C.
b.Crossed a land duet connecting Siberia & Alaska.
c.Glacial melting created the Bering speech sound
d.Isolated the people of the Western Hemisphere for 300 generations.
3.The 2nd group of people =
a.Ancestors of the Navajos & the Apaches crossed the Bering Strait ~6000 B.C
4.The 3rd group of people =
a.Ancestors of the Eskimos ~3000 B.C.
5.For centuries, Native Americans were hunter gatherers
a.They authentic horticulture around 3000 B.C.
6.Agricultural surplus led to populous & flush societies
a.In Mexico, Peru, & the Mississippi River Valley.

B. The Mayas & the Aztecs
a.Civilization spread among Mayan peoples of the Yucatan Peninsula & Guatemala;
b.Built bad religious centers & urban communities.
c.An elite class claiming descent from the gods rule Mayan society & lived off the goods & taxes of peasant families.
d.~A.D. 800,Mayan civilization declined.
2.A.D. 1325: Aztecs build Tenochtitlán (Mexico City)
a.Established a hierarchical social vow
b.Subjugated intimately of central Mexico.

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c.By A.D. 1500, Tenochtitlán had grown into a chief city of over 200,000 inhabitants, & the Aztecs were unchallengeable

C. The Indians of the North
1.The Indians north of the Rio Grande:
a.Smaller, less coercive societies;
b.In A.D. 1500, some of these societies = self-governing tribes composed of clans.
2.Clan leaders resolved feuds & make grow individuals
a.Because clan leaders were not as coercive, they had less great power than the Mayan & Aztec nobles.
3.Some tribes exerted bias over their immediate neighbors through take or conquest;
a.Ex: by A.D. 100, the Hopewells had spread their influence through Wisconsin & Louisiana.
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