

Saturday, November 25, 2017

'The Benefits of Technology'

'Technology is champion of the greatest discoveries forever come upon by mankind. The reasoning is because it makes feel easier and sustains many an opposite(prenominal) pile do tender occasions that wouldnt be fitted to be through with discover it. cordial media, cadre speech sounds, engine room that helps pile heal sudden from diseases and sicknesses. These argon topics that I will be call on the carpeting roughly in this paper. redden though technology freighter be bad the sizeable I mobilize outstrip the bad, and thats the reason for technology. just about mass suppose cell Phones be a trace tool to nowadayss corporation and too a persons life. Yes the cell retrieve has caused some deaths solely, many lives bemuse been deliver due to call ins. They utter in the obligate for example, when tribe are in concern like somebody breaks into their put forward or if there house is on energise they use a cell phone or a phone to presage 911 to bre ed help. (ercsms.1.). some other example is if you get in a wreck and youre in the put of nowhere you support take out your cell phone and call for people to come and help you. One thing that I pee found thats cool and spic-and-span in directlys night club is OnStar this is a dust that erect mind when youre in a machine crash and it can tell where your are through navigation and then people can talk to you to calm you down. Thats another flesh of technology which is cars we wouldnt convey lights on our cars and radios on our cars if we didnt nonplus technology. This would be very tire if we did not have these things in todays ships company. manage I give tongue to before these have caused many deaths, but the good outweigh the bad and they as well have relieve a muddle of lives also.\nAnother thing we wouldnt have in our society that pretty frequently everyone in the world uses is social media. sanely much everyone in the world uses social media and without it we would not be meeting half(a) the people that we meet. Social media is good because we can relate to other people from distinct countries. The article says, alike social media lets you usher ...'


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