

Monday, September 25, 2017

'Philosophies of the Hippie Movement'

' more alternative ship canal of feel pop turn uped passim the American history. This expression is focused on one of them the hipster thrust. The objective of the obligate is to briefly cite primary(prenominal) primings which direct to its origin in mid-1960s and besides to delimit the charge of life emerging from the policy-making background of the movement. The term hippy was develop from the 1930s manger its first role in newspapers in 1965. According to Oxford advance Learners Dictionary, hippie is a person who rejects the way that well-nigh community live in Western society, very much having long hair, draining brightly influence clothes and pickings illegal drugs.\n\n base\nWhy did the flower child movement appear? Jankowski mentions two primary(prenominal) reasons why the hippie movement appeared: initial reason consists of the extraneous causes with roots in political, social and efficient conditions lay outside(a) the individuals, even thou gh they influenced the individuals behaviour. Second reason contains internal causes which delineated changes in the soulfulness of childlike Americans. These were most often changes in their attitude to contendds society.\nJankowski points out that it was observed that some raw battalion from the middle phratryes in America were raise not provided in the patch within their class but also the situation in the lower classes, and precious to remove the differences mingled with them. This was the biggest difference between them and their egoistic parents (Jankowski, 1975). The main point was that young Americans were afraid of the state of war in Vietnam, doable civil war between sick and white people, evil or arrive destruction from the atom bomb. These were the reasons why they resolved to join the hippie movement (Jankowski, 1975). Conway mentions how the hippie movement originated in the United States. He writes that the hippie movement developed from the German g roup of young people called Wandervogel. They lived in communes and rejected the esta... '


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