

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Othello Performance Analysis

On the 25th of April 2015, I had the luck to catch the 8.30 p.m. performance of sensation of Shakespeares greatest tragedies, Othello, at KLPAC. Directed by Lim Kien leeward and Qahar Aqilah, the learn stars Grace Ng, Sandee Chew, Lim briefly Heng, Arief Hamizan, David H. Lim, Kgia Loong and Kien Lee himself in the denomination role. Shakespeare Demystified: Othello tells a tale of prejudice, love, envy, green-eyed monster and murder all told in 100 minutes. The play starts collide with with Roderigo (Kgia Loong) telling Brabantio (David) that his daughter, Desdemona (Ng) has eloped with Othello, the General of the Venetian Army. He is not cheerful as Othello is of African and Arabian descent but Desdemona convinces him that she genuinely does love Othello. Meanwhile, Iago (Lim) who has been Othellos fellow for many years is touchy with rage as he was not chosen for the acquit of Leftenant. Instead, Othello chose Michael Cassio (Arief) for the post. Driven by envy, Iago spreads rumours of Desdemonas affair with Cassio to Othello causing Othello to precariousness Desdemonas loyalty to her.\nThe exertion utilise a real minimalistic set. Six unappeasable boxes were used and manipulated throughout the play to pose the different settings. It is important to take note that most of the time, it is often Iago who is despicable the boxes around to deliver the contiguous scene. According to Kien Lee, this was because in the plot, it is Iago who is doing all the manipulation through his spoken language and actions. Therefore it seemed fitting that Iago should be the one manipulating the sets. The lighting was subject field white throughout the show due to the nature of the minimalistic set. In the original play, Othello is a black man. As Kien Lee is Chinese, the passing between Othello and the other characters was stand for by a modify in costume. \n The acting on a whole was quite a convincing. Lims portrayal of Iago was superb. He managed t o show Iagos evil side in a rather unconventiona...


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