

Monday, January 16, 2017

Film Critique of Of Mice and Men to the Book

The video Of Mice and custody had many another(prenominal) differences while quiet down giving the same meat that the intelligence was pictured to have. whiz of the major differences was that Candy neer came into the room when Lennie and Crooks were chew uping to for each one other. This was major because Crooks never give out(p) that the plan was true(a) about the little house. In the book after he heard Candy talk about it he cherished to arrest in on the deal. Also the pic it never showed Lennie have his illusions of his Aunt Carla and the rabbits when he was waiting by the pond. The break down major difference was that George never hesitated to shoot Lennie in the picture show and in the book it was very(prenominal) hard for him. After George injection Lennie, Slim came to comfort George and trade him out for a drink.\n\nThe characters in the novel and the movie had many differences. In the book George was shown to hate Curley with a passion. In the movie Geo rge didnt seem to similar Curley too much(prenominal) hardly he definitely didnt hate him like in the book. In the movie Curleys wife seemed to be attracted to Lennie and enjoyed his presence because he was nice. In the book she talked to him but because she was amused by Lennies stupidity. Lennie was explained as a beast in the book and, his shoulders could fill the doorway. In the movie he was stronger and larger than the others were but not to the peak amount that the book portrayed him to be. Every other occasion about Lennie was extremely as the book told it.\n\nI tangle that the movie was wonderful and I love it as much as I loved the book. I would give the movie a 10 because it was so great. The only parts that I didnt like were in the dying it didnt make me as sad as the book made me feel. I felt so into the dream the Lennie and George shared out that I was sad when it was destroyed. I am sure that if I didnt watch the movie in a classroom I would have gotten mor e out of it but none the slight it was a masterpiece. Unlike all(prenominal) of the other movies that are translated from a book this...If you want to get a full essay, pitch it on our website:

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