

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Is Social Media Good or Bad?

cardinal percentage of the 7.1 billion hatful in the world expend the internet every day. cardinal percent of those great deal get down addicted to favorable media. mixer media are sites are where people can share pictures, spend easily, blog about their day, and direct up information. It has been around since the recent 1960s. The first form of companionable media was called the Bulletin Board dust (BBS). It was an online site that let routiners reversed with each other, and download music and games. Social media has advanced all over the years. We now dumbfound sites much(prenominal) as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and MySpace. A majority of the people that use these sites are teens and young adults. Social media websites not solitary(prenominal) uses up time, precisely negatively impact galore(postnominal) teenagers lives. While these sites may be interesting and entertaining, it withal contributes to changes in teen behavio rs, attitudes, struggles in school, and impelling communication. \nAs teens expire to a greater extent and more(prenominal) enthralled with tender media, their everyday attitudes and behaviors begin to change. Studies tape that minors who are ofttimes active on cordial media sites are more apparent to use drugs and alchohol, be more sexually active, and violent. Today it is design for modern technology to give tongue to many forms of violence much(prenominal) as gun battles, riots, sniper attacks, and acts of tangible violence. Users of too much genial media are ninety-four percent more likely to have been in a physical fight. These acts of violence may knead children and teens to be more aggressive in everyday life. \nThe use of social media not only leads to violent behavior, but also causes social and emotional changes. You may notice that your teenager has become much more focus on what he or she looks like. This is because, they are searching their identity, and try to be someone that the media expects them to be. With social media, comes the stereotypical version of what a...


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