

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Teenagers and the Internal Conflict

Life is every(prenominal) about making pickings, we should ever do our best to make water the proficient ones, and always do our best to learn from the misemploy ones. Teenagers must make the right choices because they will give a direct impact on their future. Making a choice and deciding what to do burn down be tough and it nominate be tougher when nation be in the age company of 15-18, as the expectation of the connection be too high. At this age individuals earth-closet be very concerned with what others venture of them. In the process of designation in and organism legitimate we fall into the wrong deletion and make wrong decisions for poser not studying for the sort next week or skipping a class scantily because person in our concourse ensconces that it would be cool to do so. Small decisions like this can get us in a lot of douse because at the time of our lives, we be forming the shape of our future, our actions and decisions show the bear witness of our future. Living in a society like ours, its really hard to sincerely be ourselves, we all have to pretense to be someone else to a certain result to be accepted in the society which can be helpful to us at some levels. It can be beneficial to us if we decide to be or pretend to be someone who is disquieted about their future and their tone tomorrow, it can also be damaging if we become what might be thought of being rebellious and some people might find it impressive, provided the consequences will be shocking. a lot of the blame for failure has been pose on peer air pressure and the society. However, what cannot be ignored is that it is our sign eject choice to bulge out taking wrong decisions. This free choice is the decision that leads us into failure and it is not the obligation of the society to protect a person from themselves.\nIn the twenty-first century, being a teenager is one of the hardest things possible, because of the expectations put upon us. in that respect are moments of weakness in which we might do things which we are not proud of. As a teenager on...


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