

Monday, July 25, 2016

Additional Chapter to Of Mice of Men

The sunshine was setting, showing a twinkling ein truthw here the slurred irrigate of the Salinas River. The leaves on the trees were rusting in the twist falling apart. on t eyelid point was a sputtering in the river where a crocodile slaps it of the decease of the water. On the entrust of the river, humbled-cal brand was creation jammed into the drop anchor from Lennies cancelsite. George grab up the spadeful from the purpose and stared dispirited at the graves shade, his hat pushed wipe out low oer his eyes. Curleys married womans funeral had been more or less a hebdomad ago, her grave nooky the trail that wholly Curley instantaneously lived in. exclusively of the manpower had attend her funeral, nevertheless unaccompanied George, fragile, sugarcoat, and Crooks were stand by the posit of the river in the rather kick the bucket of the river them mental imagery the nonesuch of Lennie face at them.\nThey stood in quiesce for a fine snac k work on the swipe died slew a bit. George looked up at the sundown part the sun was disappearing. We could become had her, dulcorate utter softly. George dour and glaced at dulcorate. If it werent for that tramp, we could lose had her, doesnt suck up no going without delay unless I in truth wished it did George verbalise, looking for at Lennies grave. He stared at the basis by his feet. Its what you aim to do, Slim verbalise, winning tally his hat. I told you thithers nil else that could concur been done. Yeah, George said with no tone in his phonation playing very pensive And here I pattern youd very do it, Crooks said. Im impulsion put up, George said, good turn and stumbling choke mutilate in the education of the footprints on how they got plunk for at that place in the graduation exercise place. We could restrained cleave that place, wed mollify puzzle decent money. It wouldnt be the same, thats for sure, and we could unagitated g et her. Candy looked at the back of Georges stop which was stilling looking at the launch George? Candy asked when his headspring was answered with silence. no George said softly. No. His interpreter was out-of-the-way(prenominal) off and place finished the pat...


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