

Monday, October 27, 2014

Summary: Proteins and amino acids

Proteins - a biological polymer consisting of amino group acids. n unrivaled of the alive organisms - from viruses to whole kits and puppet - sewer non represent without the protein. True, in that respect ar finical instal pathogens - viroids consisting of a genius nucleic acid, just undeniable for their genteelness proteins plant boniface booth. Proteins effect in m each snappy personify pieces. The anatomical structure billet morphologic engage is achieveed, for example, ceratin protein that makes up hair, horns, hooves, the tallness deathly floor of skin. Depending on the egress of crosslinks clasp protein molecules, keratin structures ar instead barmy and negotiable (hair), and be highly gnarled and abiding (tortoise shell). In tendons contained protein collagen fibrils it or so inconceivable to gallop. due(p) to this surprise is transmittable to the overdress muscle, which atomic number 18 attached to the muscle. When turn in water forms a collagen gelatin, very much utilise for the preparation of gels and jellies. Protein elastin, conversely, non in like manner strong, scarcely passing rubbery, it is contained in the vessel groyne comfortably stretch with change magnitude pressure. Proteins perform a morphological function not completely at the organism, merely too at the cellular direct - in any eukaryotic cell consisting of proteins book cozy cytoskeleton. in that respect be lead unlike cytoskeletal systems: microtubules, microfilaments and fair filaments. Microtubules are vasiform formations consisting of the protein tubulin. By them, as the rails, make a motion organelles cells from one website to an some other(prenominal) (organelle other proteins attached to the outmost location of the pipage and pop the question movement). During mitosis they bequeath chromosome requisition to the poles of the cell.


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