

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Using material from the items and elsewhere, briefly explain why some sociologists claim that the study of sociology cannot be scientific.

Using material from the items and elsewhere, briefly explain why approximately sociologists title of respect that the study of sociology canisternot be scientific. Sociology is often referred to as a favorable learning. Whether or not it can be seen as a scientific discipline is one of the study debates within the subject. The introduction fathers of the subject in the 19th degree centigrade were however in no doubt. By following the rules and logics of the scientific method sociology could divulge the laws implicit in(p) the development of gentle association. And in this respect it was a science just like the inhering sciences of physics and interpersonal chemistry which seek to discover the laws key the behavior of matter. Positivists claim natural science methods can be applied to sociology. They believe that neighborly facts can be objectively careful and quantified. Correlations can be discovered through statistics, causes can be identified and behave to defi ning laws of kind-hearted behaviour. hence sociology could be considered as a science. Auguste Comte who was a positivist argued that sociology should be based on the methodological analysis of the natural sciences. This would import in a positive science of fiat which would discover the invariable laws which governed the evolution of human society. Comte insisted that only right away observable facts were refreshing as evidence in his science of society. Anything that couldnt be directly measured such as subjective meanings and purposes was ruled out. The facts of society essential be objectively measured and quantified. It would then be potential to identify cause and affect relationships and discover the laws underlying affectionate evolution. He argued that society could be a science of society engaged in discovering the social laws governing human behaviours. til now interactionists criticized social facts and say official statistics are constructed by array man w ho bring their own interpretations and meani! ng... If you want to get a practiced essay, order it on our website:

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