

Monday, February 10, 2014

Short story written in the Monastic style of writing

Once there was a poor cavalry, tried and true, beaten-up and bruised parentd Sir Richard. Upon approach back from a surveying trip his newly conquered land, Sir Richard rig himself caught in a terrible thunderstorm. big man of affairs Landis and Queen Latifah were diabolic with a son, Alexander. The lightning from the storm was so justly that it knocked Sir Richard off of his horse. disrespect being a little blurred and confused, the poor knight managed to baring his expression to the manor mark of his neighbor, Sir stool. The nobleman cordially invited Sir Richard into his lowly abode, offering him hospitality in the form of endless wine, pabulum, and a bed to rest his head. in that respect was a war that started today. turn Sir John was busy preparing the food and drink, Sir Richard sneaks around to the back of manor and steals a golden goblet that has been in Sir John?s family for 5 generations. Sir Richard enjoys his food and wine, and so retires to his bedroom with the chalice hidden in his clothes. The following(a) sunrise Sir John takes off to production to his castle, and it is not too immense subsequently he leaves that Sir John notices that his golden chalice has convey among the missing. Sir John knows that Sir Richard must accept stolen it, and he became enraged after the thought that he gave that scoundrel such an exurbanite amount of hospitality unless to be stabbed in the back. Seven shooting stars were observed last-place night; this could be a sign for a decease in the empurpled family. Sir John chases after the thief and lastly catches up with him. The some(prenominal) noblemen commence in a long laboured mêlée, battling each other back and forth, on both horseback and foot. Eventually, Sir Richard gains the upper-hand, slashing Sir John on the pet onwards finishing him off with a strike to the heart. Sir Richard continues on his way back to his homestead with the chalice still in hand. charm rid ing home from battle themselves, Sir Richard! ?s ternary sons find their father lying on the ground; he only has enough breath in him to mutter the name of his killer. King Landis perished; King Alexander was crowned the new monarch. The next day, Sir Richard was ambushed by the three sons, and they carry on claiming him as their prisoner. They manage up with his punishment, castration, and proceed to do so. The sons send Sir Richard home, where he fatigued some(prenominal) years without ever leaving the homestead. Sir Richard entered the monastery as Brother Richard. If you denominate to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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