

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rising Cost Of Health Care

: p : 1 . is very broad . narrow passel the and to formulate a thesis (main ) point2 . Discuss what the problem is and supply background on it . Briefly explain how this came to be a problem3 . Identify possible ways to address the problem and speech the advant whiles and disadvantages of each4 . Indicate the best way to address the problem and dialogue closely why you think the approach selected is best5 . Conclude with a abbreviated statement of your thesis and the way you think is so-and-so be addressedThe cost of providing wellnesscargon is rising . In the United States , 1 .9 trillion dollars was being on healthcargon in 2004 , and is passage to sum up 2 .9 trillion dollars by the year 2009 . thither is a growing concern that elders and retirees whitethorn non be up to(p) to access healthcare in the future , i mputable to unaffordable costsThe tribe of the elders is increase in the US . About terce pct of the population or three gazillion individuals belonged to this section , in the 1900 . The population and proportion of this group has addd importantly . In the year 2000 , 35 million or 12 .4 percent of the population belonged to this group (Rubinstein , H . G , 2005 such(prenominal) an increase is mainly attributed to a general increase in the life-span of earthly concern . Healthcare costs have risen precipitously in the last few eld , even several(prenominal) times to a greater extent than the rate of inflation . Between 1980 and 1997 , health expending for elders change magnitude by 80 and expenditure on drugs increased by about 169 (Diener , J , 2003 . The present Medicare restitution System does not seem to be providing much break to this population (as they do not cover ethical drug drugs The Medicare remains was framed in the 1960 s , when it was considere d that provision of just basic health facili! ties for elders and retirees was enough (Diener , J , 2003 . Medicare at that time did not announce the effect of an change magnitude life-span , and rising healthcare costs legion(predicate) senior citizens are subscribing to auxiliary insurance schemes that can abet them to bear the costs of prescription drugs . However they end up paying heavily for such insurance packages as they do not seem to be having many choices . The insurance companies are trying to cut vote out the insurance expenditure and fork over additional expenditure to the customers . Hence , several of these insurance schemes are becoming increasing unaffordable to the senior citizensMany elders who retire before the age of 65 eld , may not be able to avail post-retirement Medicare benefits for themselves and their dependents . both(prenominal) individuals may in fact pith their jobs back in to be eligible for health insurance schemes from their employers Employer-sponsored healthcare benefits may p rovide health insurance packages for about 3 .8 million retirees (between the age of 55 to 64 years , and an additional 12 million benefit through auxiliary insurance (Pallarito ,, 2006 . The pellucid number and increasing healthcare...If you want to possess a skillful essay, order it on our website:

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