

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Did watching the movie 'Alexander the Great' 2004 teach you anything you didn't know before? If so, what? Make a personal comment on the film.

horse parsley the Great is a film released in 2004 identify by Oliver St one and starring Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, Colin Farrell, Val Kilmer and Jared Leto. In my opinion, Oliver Stones pic, horse parsley was a 3-hour ache of time if you were watching it for entertainment purposes. The characters lacked depth, Colin Farrells blonde do was actually strange and the solid image moved similarly slowly. jumbo leaps were made with no explanations, battle scenes werent particularly entertain and the whole movie was utterly boring. On the some other deliberate the movie was completely all true historically obscure from one or two small things and I learnt a hardening from it. Oliver Stone even consulted an Oxford professor of history: robin redbreast lane Fox to help with making his movie. Alexander the movie was actually kind of educational. Because Oliver Stones attitude towards Alexander was slightly ambivalent however on the whole pretty positive, his movie wa s a bit biased. For flock in history and today the carriage of Alexander has a legendary, heroic quality to it. But Alexander was autocratic and at times cruel, and his armies killed thousands upon thousands. Oliver Stone slightly glorifies Alexander without regard to the less(prenominal) admirable aspects of him (like the death of his cousin and political rival, Amyntas). soldiers conquering of thousands of barbarian peoples and lands was widely considered glorious. If people surrendered to Alexander, they were spared and their leaders were often reinstated. Often, he himself was authoritative as a liberator, replacing a Iranian Empire, which was non exactly loved by one and all. When he looted whole cities who opposed him - Thebes or Tyre - his ruthlessness shocks us, just now it was not outside the conduct of war by other contemporaries: his father Philip and other Greek cities in the gone(p) had done... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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