

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Character Analysis of Arnold Friend

Character Analysis In Carol Oats story, Where Are You Going, Where rent You Been?, A central cite is Arnold chum. Oats develops this theatrical role indirectly, she neer says outright what Arnold is, tho we can infer through his actions and group discussion what kind of lineament he is. When Connie first comes in assemble with Arnold, Oats writes, He wagged a finger and laughed and said, Gonna snuff it you, baby. This first get together sets up Arnold ally to appear as a character with questionable motives. ulterior on in the story she continues to indirectly develop the character of Arnold Friend by his actions. When he shows up at Connies house uninvited, it causes the reader to think of a stalker. Oats then goes on to describe Arnold, through Connies eyes, as by chance a representation of the Devil. Connie slowly recognizes olive-sized details like Arnold possibly exhausting a wig, move around in his boots as if they did not fit properly, his facial nerve expressions and skin color qualification it seem like Arnold was wearing a mask. Arnolds actions and dialogue also are legal in further ontogenesis these characteristics that seem to be that of the Devil. He shows up at Connies house already come many details of her animateness and speaks to her is a soft console voice that Connie describes as a gentle-loud voice to assure her that everything is personnel casualty to be alright and that he is a friend. These details imbibe the reader realize that Arnold Friend is, in fact, the villain of the story. Arnold is a flat, stock character. Throughout the inbuilt story he is attempting to number Connie out of her house and into his take possession, he never changes his morals or goals.If you want to get a full essay, baseball club it on our website:

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