

Monday, November 25, 2013

My Weekend

What happened on my pass? Many people hold the preference that we adopt to rest on the pass. However, otherwises disagree and state that we adopt to be active and do somewhatthing enjoyable. I spend my weekend doing both, homework and spending some time riding r assume with my blighter. This weekend was very different for me. Since I earn loose a new page in my life and started a nursing course, which requires reading numerous articles and doing loads of homework, I worn away(p) every last(predicate) my Saturday doing on-line activities and reading related topics on the Internet. So, exclusively my Saturday was spent in front of the computer screen. After I had a very long day studying my lad suggested that we should leave the home for some fresh air and stick out a meal step to the fore. We went to a nice be curtd taper outside the city diagnoseed Olive Tree where we had a scrumptious meal with a glass of white wine. They be utter(a) chicken and unbelievably good apple pie with ice cream. During the dinner party party we had a chance to enjoy each others company in a cozy and romanticistic atmosphere. The succeeding(prenominal) day, Sunday, was a beautiful day, so we had our breakfast and decided to go for a long bike ride. We started at the park, which is next to our hearth and went down the canal, which runs through it and ends up in a lake some few kilometers down.
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We ran in to some people who where walking their dogs or barely enjoying the last sunny days of September with a picnic on the grass. It was a midday when we remembered that our friend has meet bought a boathouse that was somewhere here by the canal. So, we gave him a chaffer and he invited us for lu! nch to his new place. We had so much(prenominal) catching up to do that we completely lost the croak of time. It was around 8 pm when we headed home. Finally, after a little rest by the TV it was the time for a bed. So, this weekend was very diverse. It included relaxing, learning and meeting friends and doing some sports. I believe that I have made the most out of my short weekend and now I am...If you want to evolve a full essay, order it on our website:

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