

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Freedon is the quality or state of being free, as be by Websters Dictionary. According to George Michael its more the right to do any(prenominal) you require, wearable any(prenominal) you destiny, or have a bun in the oven half raw girls post around and lip synch to music. To teenagers it is getting a gondola and a curfew later than ten. Even with these liberties there argon rules. Georges models cant give barbarism to too a lot and the teenagers still have their curfews and cant solely gull the car anywhere. That carry ons away the hype of using liberty so freely. It honestly contradicts the meaning that umteen othere see. To millions in extraneous third world countries independence and the United States of America are synonymous. race in situations of poverty, starvation, disease, or abuse see granting immunity as menaing getting away to a better life. The freedoms that approximately of us take for granted others would die for. The freedom of aliment without persecution for unearthly practices. The freedom of living in any lovable of kinsfolk you can afford. The freedom of boing friends with whoever you choose. Still, we as Americans lack freedom. umpteen of our choices passim our lives are chosen for us. Such as what frock we wear, what classes we take, flush what job you get are tainted by the opinioins of peers, television, radio, magazines, movie stars, pop stars, parents, and others. Television is always telling us how to catch and how the opposite sex should look. Tall, thin, blond, blue eyes are considered the holy woman. Tall, muscular, athletic, blonde, blue eyes make the perfect guy. This to me is a grade violation of freedom and sounds a bit bid the Holocaust. This violates the freedom to be yourself without discrimination because of your weight, hair color, eye color, clothing choice, participation...
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--References --> As you began your definition try out, I liked the examples you provided to support the finesse of American freedom (as I am a teenager, I resent the many restrictions placed on me too); however, as the essay progressed, it digressed too much from the idea at hand, freedom, and began attacking the liberties of the bill of Rights that we, citizens of the United States of America, doggedly hold so dearly. We can sing our minds, act in any manner we want, practice whatever religion we want, moreover unfortunately, people in this country have the right to sell physical and mental unwarranted punishment in a vigilante-like manner. And as the circle closes, those who decide to take freedoms away from others lead more than likely be punish by our policemen. And so by seeing the hypocrisy in American freedom, many people in this world do NOT want to emulate the American idea of freedom. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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