

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Biology 12 A. cellular phone Biology 1. Antonie new wave Leeuwenhoek - Was famous for making his take microscope and observing all sorts of comminuted things that no one had seen before. rough 1650 he invented Animalicules. 2.The Englishman Robert Hooke was the first to hold the term CELL for walled-off chamber he observed in cork, a material apply to make stoppers today. Monks live in cells. 3. A hundred years later-in the 1830s- the German microscopist Schleiden state that plants ar composed of cells; his counterpart Schwann said that animals ar also do up of cells.. 4. Rudolf Virchow, another German microscopist, later came to the conclusion that cells dont dead appear, rather come from preexistent cells. Virchow, Schleiden, and Schwann also come erupt with Cell Theory: 1. Cell is the basic unit of life. 2.Everything viable is do of cells or cell products; every(prenominal) living things are made of one or more cells. 3. entirely cells come from pre exis ting cells. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cells are mostly microscopic. Therere cardinal types of cells: 1.Prokaryotic before the kernel, no cellular organelles. Eg bacteria, blue car park algae, yeast. They have a single(a) loop of DNA. 2.
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Eukaryotic after the nucleus, have cellular organelles, have a nucleus( a life-size structure that controls the whole works of the cell because it contains the genes) Karyos - nucleus Pro- before Eu-after Outer Boundaries of Animal and coif cells Plasma tissue layer - a phospholipid bilayer in which protein molecules are embedded. All cells, including pla nt and animal cells are surround by a plasm! a membrane. The plasma membrane is a living bounce that separates the contents of the cell from the surrounding environment. Inside the cell, the nucleus is b establish by the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is a semifluid medium that contains organelles. The plasma membrane regulates the entrance and exit of molecules into and out...If you want to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website:

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