

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Social Psycology

PSY 102: Psychology in the Modern World Your touch: instructor: Bob MelaraYour Section: FALL 2012Your TAs raise: ** Answer the questions in your own words, Type your dresss, make confident(predicate) you answer all parts, print the answered homework and take it with you to your close exercising! Only the two lowest homework grades displace be dropped ** Homework #11 (Social Psychology) 1. a) What is an attitude? b) What does it mean to asseverate that attitudes come in behavior? c) Under what conditions can attitudes affect actions? d) explicate how the Abu Ghraib prison house fiasco might be an precedent of how role-playing affects attitudes. 1a--Belief that causes a someone to act in certain way to objects, great deal, and events. 1b-- Attitudes ar more internal therefore more likely to demo out to behavior 1cif the matter concerning the object, person, or event, is less moved(p) by immaterial influences. 2a) Describe Milgrams experiments on obeisance, and b) delimit the conditions in which obedience was highest. 2. a) Describe the influence of proximity, physical attractiveness, and relation on social attraction. b) What is the mere exposure effect? c) overstep one example of this effect in your own life. 3.
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Researchers control found that the reactions of people in crowded situations are oftentimes _______________ (lessened/amplified). 4. Like early(a) behaviors, aggression emerges from the interaction of ________________ and ________________. 5. A perceived inconsistency of actions, goals, or ideas is called __________________. This perception can take place amid individuals, _____________! _, or ______________. 6. According to the two-factory theory, emotions have two components: physical _____________ and a _____________ label. 7. When the need for group harmony overrides realistic thinking in individuals, the phenomenon know as _________________ has occurred.If you want to get a full phase of the moon essay, night club it on our website:

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