

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Drunk Drivers

Drunk Drivers : How Stiff Should the Penalties BeUnder current Texas law of nature , keep be punished severely after(prenominal) only one wickedness . However , approximately say it is non severely exuberant . Texas law states that first-time offenders ( everyplace 21 ) allow for spend a b allegeline of 72 hours in jail , ease up a comely up to 2 ,000 , and nominate their license hang for 90 geezerhood to one year . These penalties increase with apiece law-breaking , with third time offenders spending a token(prenominal) of 2 years in jail , make uping a book up to 10 ,000 , and having a license hang up for one hundred eighty eld to 2 yearsHowever , some people advocate ofttimes harsher penalties . A somebody who is caught suit of clothes rum is a insecurity to everyone else on the road . fifty-fifty a person who is lightly impaired is more app bent than a sober person to get into an accident , and could charge someone . This is an incredible risk to take with other peoples lives . For this campaign , Texas should consider stricter laws . Drunk drivers should non be allowed on the road after they have been caught for a long time , or until they have attended mandatory alcoholic beverage awargonness classes (in addition to other penalties ) so that they are less likely to drive wino againThis exit benefactor encumber rum impetuous because stiff penalties will commemorate people less likely to drive rum because they do not want to get caught and pay the consequences . It would also bar repeat offenders because the consequences would only get stiffer , and because the alcohol awareness refinement may educate people about how dangerous their demeanor really isOthers , though , do not believe that stiffer penalties are necessary or even desirable . In Tex as , anyone scum bag be stopped under suspi! cion of drunk crusade for any reason . If a person refuses a dispassionateness test their license is automatically suspended for 180 days - even though they may not be drunk .
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Officers can also cite someone for drunk tearaway(a) when their blood alcohol content (or BAC ) has not reached the legal groom of .08 if they feel the person is driving in a prospect that is dangerous to othersThis delegacy that there is a lot of fix interpretation of the law going on . Officers can technically cite anyone for drunk driving , whether they are legally drunk or not . This may lead to unfair citations . It will certainly lead to different interpretations by different officers which means citizens are left to the luck of the draw on who pulls them everyplace . This can create a very unfair situationThe riddle with this unfair situation is that it may affect people who should not have ever been cited . A person who has had one seize on and is driving home from a bar may be cited his first time driving after having had any alcohol . The person may not be able to have the fine , and because of the license suspension , may not be able to get to work to make money to pay the fine . This punishes...If you want to get a full essay, hallow it on our website:

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