

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Teen Pregnancy

TEEN maternalism It greets much than money. TEEN PREGNANCY It be more than money. Teen pregnancy coasted local taxpayers, hospitals and former(a) wellness-c ar organizations more than $1.9 one million million million last year, barely health officials check off in that respect is a much greater cost to the friendship as a whole. Purview hospital in 2000 placid more than $900,000 for births to 229 teen-agers. Medicaid, a tax-funded program that pays less than HMOs or new(prenominal) insurance for the said(prenominal) services, cover most of the births. A regulation vaginal slant at Purview cost an ordinary $3,850 and a caesarean section delivery costs ab discover $7,500, gibe to hospital spokeswoman Tressa Colalancia. She press out the patients or HMO insurance covered 28 percentage of the births to teens and the rest were covered by Medicaid, the states taxpayer-funded health insurance for the poor. At St. Mary-Corwin, 109 teenagers gave birth amongst Ju ne 1, 2000, and May 31, 2001. Spokesman Dave Trudell said no information was immediately useable regarding the average cost of a vaginal or surgical delivery, or the append cost of teen-aged deliveries. establish on Parkviews average cost, St. Mary-Corwins costs credibly fell between $300,000 and $400,000. C.W. Smith, Parkviews CEO, said the hospital rarely delivers a baby to a teen-ager that isnt covered by public or private insurance. For us, its a break-even.
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It comes to us if they dont fill out the paperwork (for Medicaid), but most of these kids are pretty savvy about whats available to them, said Smith. Parkviews losses, in terms of free care or reduced fees give by Medicaid, he sa id, are marginal compared to the social cos! ts of children raising children, and other real costs that fan out across the entire community as the babies grow older. At 14, these kids dont have the skills, the training or the sparing support to develop a... If you want to get a wax essay, order it on our website:

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