

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Strikes for Higher Pay--1887

This is the year of 1887 and surpasss are illegal, plainly solely of you are on strike for higher pay. I do not sort of understand why you would lack to strike, considering that, you make water payments to make, children to feed, and a family to outlet care of. You crapper continue to carry on this non finger, but I rest you assured that nothing is going to change. What is the ingestion in striking when you know that nothing is going to change, and you house barely live as it is? There is no sense in this foolishness. I ask you to hold on striking and get a foresightful back to work, before it is too late.

        Strike. Strike as long as you must. I must assure you that the consequences may be devastating to all of you. I do not honor of your foolishness, and in no way go forth I brave these kinds of actions, aspired by all of you, as my employees. Grow up and cognise that no matter how long you strike, higher pay will never be an issue that I will consider. disport take a few minutes to remember what look was like for all of you, including myself, in the years of 1873-1877. The Wall thoroughfare crash triggered a major depression. Do you remember what those geezerhood were like; not too enjoyable were they? Over six thousand companies, including the Acme Industrial Widget Empire, c tolerated inwardly a year. The companies that did not close, cut the employees wages and laid many an(prenominal) workers off in a desperate effort to survive. The strike turned deadly in 1877, with the railroad strikers. (p. 528) Just sustain year, on May Day 1886, 340,000 workers walked off their jobs in donjon of the campaign for an eight-hour workday. This strike, the Haymarket Riot, turned deadly. There was a bomb released, putting to death four police officers. After that point, many went to jail and nearly executed. Many were innocent, not even at the Haymarket Riot, but take over they faced consequences of others. (pp. 528-529).

        From employer to employees, take in consideration of those workers during that time, and yourself. There can be serious consequences for your actions. I could easily fire all of you and hire scabs. I could fire all of you, take a leak you move in jail, hire immigrants who are desperate for work. Strikes are illegal, and if this continues, I assure you that the consequences will be devastating to all of you and your families.

        I am not going to admit to your demands. The economy cannot soften it.

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You may work long hours for little pay, but you to a fault have been provided with housing, grocery stores, churches and schools. Must I give you more? I do not believe you need more. trapping and groceries you may have to pay for, but who does not have to pay for things such as that? Your children have a endangerment to get an education and attend church services. This was something they were unable to do before. I have given you too much as it is. I will not, under any circumstance concede to your demands for higher pay, at this moment.

        Think about the trouble you are causing. Not scarce are you possibly going to lose you jobs, but also the possibility of your children having a bright future. In the future, I may review your pay, and see what we can do. You have two choices now that lay in your hands. You can stop this foolishness and come back to work, or you not only loose your jobs, you will go to jail. Think about the consequences about before you make you decision. I assure you that I may consider the possibility of higher pay in the future.

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